Monday, January 20, 2014

Draw everyday for a year/ #draw365

On a random Saturday in December 2013 I made this New Year's resolution: Draw more! Draw everyday for a year! Draw for 5 min a day, or for 5 hours a day, just draw. So, 2014 is my year of drawing, of filling empty sketchbooks and using long forgotten art supplies.

Every week there's a different theme: sometimes it's silly, sometimes hard, and sometimes super fun. I thought of that initial love for art, when you draw everything around you; from a leaf in the park to a tube of paint on your desk. That initial wonder for seeing the world around you in a different way and putting it on paper.

It's not like riding a bike. With drawing it feels more like: if you don't use it you lose it. Almost a month in now, getting back to loose and accurate drawing is frustrating and being rusty is a pain making me wish I never stopped drawing in the first place. My drawing professor once told me - you have to be willing to make 100 bad drawings to make 1 good one. I guess this year I will make 365 drawings, and if I can make 4 good ones, the quantity will be right.  I managed to talk one a friend into this plan, so now I cannot give up and quit halfway through. I am held accountable and I'm putting it out there so that I do not give up. Doing something you love for 30 min a day should be a joy, not a New Year's resolution.

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