Sunday, May 6, 2012

Live Drawing

I always enjoyed live drawing, but it's been awhile since I've done it, and it's hard to get back into the swing of things. The last time, I didn't wear glasses, so it seems it will take some adjusting (can't draw without them, can't really draw with them). Couldn't find my charcoal this morning and my notepad was too small and hot-press paper (yes excuses)... Unfortunately the drawings didn't turn out as great as they used to - modesty aside, I was pretty good at this. After 4 hours, these two are the best of the bunch and closer to endtime. Note to self: pencil, not your favorite medium for this. The model was lovely,held some exquisite poses and had wonderful taste in background music. Looking forward to working with her again, when I'm more warmed up.

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